Top 5 Health Tips for Men | Tips For Health

                    Top 5 Health Tips for Men  

Family of black men smiling    

5 Easy Steps to Improve Your Health Today

June is the month of health of men, and we are supporting men, boys and families in Indiana to practice healthy life. U.S. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, boys and men in the United States On an average 5.6 years ago, women die compared to women and die at high rates out of nine of the top 10 leading causes of death. Make sure you share these healthy suggestions with all men of your life and encourage them to practice these 5 healthy habits.

1. Give Your Heart Some TLC

heart shaped bowl of fruits and vegetables

Heart disease is one of the main causes of death for men. You can give some TLC to your heart to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily. An easy way to ensure that you are getting balanced nutrition is to select different types of colors. A heart healthy diet does not have to be boring or bland. Find out which foods are part of the heart healthy diet.

2. Move Your Body

a family walking outdoors

Indiana is not just for adults but also for children, one of the most thick states in America. The good news is that research shows that only 30 minutes on medium exercise can help improve your health. The American College of Sports can take time out of 7 minutes of medicine for medicine, click on the graphic below to find 8 easy ways.

3. Make An Appointment with Your Doctor

Life expectancy for men is 5 years younger than women, and life expectancy for male preventive health professionals is 5 years less than women, and there is less chance of meeting with their doctor for male preventive health examinations. Why is preventive care so important? Preventive care can help you to maintain good health, and before you can detect any health problem before becoming a major challenge, you and your family
For better quality of life can help. Find a doctor with whom you are comfortable so that you can discuss all aspects of your health openly with your mental health through sexual health and your overall health.

4.  Quit Smoking

"I quit smoking because I was ready"

Whether you chew cigarettes, vip or tobacco, you already know that excess chemicals in tobacco and cigarettes can cause diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer and many more. Did you also know that tobacco can also contribute to poor mental health? Research studies show that people who smoke have less depression, anxiety and stress and compared to smokers.In the positive mood and the quality of life has improved. Although smoking rate has decreased in the United States, 21% of Hussere still smoke, which is higher than the national average. You can improve your health and help boost Indiana's health rating by booting tobacco. See these resources to stay tobacco free!

5.  Take Care of Your Mental Health

mental health research studies

Your mental health is inseparable from your physical health, so it is important to ensure that you are taking care of your mental and emotional well-being. More than 6 million men are suffering from depression, and more than 3 million men are battling anxietyMany times, people are more reluctant to seek help for depression, anxiety and other mental health problems for fear, this makes them feel weak or because they feel they should be able to handle it themselves. Recently, famous male athletes and entertainers are sharing their struggles with mental health so that other men can feel comfortable sharing their stories and taking help. Cleveland Cavalier Kevin Love wrote an article entitled "Everyone"What's going on, "shared his trip with Bodhrelli Personality Disorder (BPD) to share his struggle with terror attacks and NFL player Brandon Marshall. Recently, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shared his fight with depression: "[It] took me a long time to realize it, but do not be afraid to open the key, especially in our friends it has a tendency to keep you alone."

If you are feeling frustrated or are struggling with depression, anxiety or substance abuse talk to a mental health professional who can help you.

Tips for Men,Top 5 Health Tips for Men

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